In this session, we share the tale of the entwives and are reunited with Gandalf in book three, chapters four and five of The Lord Of The Rings!
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Show notes:
There And Back Again is a Point North Media production by Alastair Stephens, and is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike license.
Drout says the POV was given by the Least Knowledgeable Character. I (Variag of Khand) had said the “weaker” character. He mentions one time when we do indeed get Gandalf’s POV: when the wizard wonders about Frodo in The Shadow of the Past. I was thinking Sam in Books 4 and 6, and Pippin in Gondor, Merry with the Rohirrim, and Gimli in the Passing of the Grey Company. There are exceptions: Gollum, Shelob, Sauron–perhaps others.
I can’t make it today, but will show up Wednesday, God willing.
Drout says the POV was given by the Least Knowledgeable Character. I (Variag of Khand) had said the “weaker” character. He mentions one time when we do indeed get Gandalf’s POV: when the wizard wonders about Frodo in The Shadow of the Past. I was thinking Sam in Books 4 and 6, and Pippin in Gondor, Merry with the Rohirrim, and Gimli in the Passing of the Grey Company. There are exceptions: Gollum, Shelob, Sauron–perhaps others.
I can’t make it today, but will show up Wednesday, God willing.