Hey everyone! At this time on a Monday, I usually do a quick live broadcast to talk about what I’m going to be doing in the week ahead — but this week, the schedule is very simple, because I’m sick. As one astute listener diagnosed after listening to my voice deteriorate last week, I’ve come down with a chest infection, which means that my voice is shot and I’m coughing constantly, which doesn’t make for the best audio experience.

So, here’s the plan. I was going to take a week off at the beginning of March to make some major updates to the website, the Patreon page and the infrastructure here at Point North, so I’m going to do that this week, and then come back on Monday, February 26th with a brand new week of shows, and then work right through the rest of the spring. It isn’t quite what I planned, but it’s going to work out just fine!

Thank you so much for your support!